March Cabinet Meeting
27-D1 Mission to Mexico Report March 2010

On January 24, 2010 Lions from Menomonie, Beaver Dam, Monroe and Albany and their spouses, (7 in all) boarded a bus in Reynosa, MX for the 13 hour ride to Papantla in the state of Vera Cruz, MX. There they met with about 30 other Wisconsin Lions and spouses who had flown in. Other 27-D1 Lions were from Beloit and Cross Plains clubs. In four and one half days the group screened and fitted 3300 needy people with used eye glasses provided by the Wisconsin Lions recycling center. At the completion of the mission the magnificent seven bussed back to McAllan, TX carrying the auto refractors and lensometers that would be used on the February 4th mission to Reynosa.

On February 4th 39 Wisconsin Lions left McAllan TX. for Reynosa which is directly across the Rio Grande from McAllan. Six 27-D1 Lions from Boscobel, Token Creek and Deforest were involved. Reynosa is the fastest growing city in Mexico having grown from a population of 700,000 to 1.5 million in the last 5 years. The clinic was located at the Reynosa Lions facility. 2100 people were served in the 3 ½ days there. The school bus from our district is going to be converted into a traveling clinic to fit used eye glasses. Five of their members have been trained to fit glasses. The Reynosa Lions furnish the equipment and pay the salaries of teachers in several schools in the city. The school desks and supplies that our district has donated are all being used in Reynosa.

On February 11th the same seven who were in Papantla left McAllan by bus with 20 other Wisconsin Lions, including two from Janesville, and traveled to Altimira located near Tampico in the state of Tamaulipas. 2300 needy people were served in 3 ½ days. Thanks to all who worked as well as to all who collect used eye glasses and prepare them for these missions. We also wish to thank all of the district clubs who support the Mission to Mexico financially. Without you, we would not be able to serve our fellow men and women of the World.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Glen A Spring PDG
Lion Erling Isely
Co-chairs 27-D1 Lions
Mission to Mexico

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